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How Can I Join AWSA?

Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) is taking applications for membership.  Benefits and testimonials abound... read about them.


The qualifications include the applicant must:

FOR Full AWSA Membership:

Believe and profess that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him will have everlasting life." John 3:16.

Be Able to claim at least TWO of the following:

Written at least two books.
National radio or television ministry
National columnist for major publication
Speaks to groups of 100 at least 3 times a year across state lines.
Be a working actress with credits
Be a producer or member of a production company.


Click the button to apply for FULL AWSA Membership.

Note: Application fee is $40, payable with appliation

To pay, Click Here

FOR AWSA Association Membership:

Believe and profess that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him will have everlasting life." John 3:16.

Be Able to claim at least TWO of the following:

Speak at 4 or more events (outside your local church or school) per year.


Have written at least ONE books which appear in Amazon.com that either promotes a Christian-based message or supports a Christian world view. (*SEE BELOW for what qualifies as a ‘book.’)
Host a national radio show
Host a national television show
Write a column in a national publication
Be a working actress with credits
Be a producer or member of a production company.
Have screenplay credits


Click the button to apply for Associate AWSA Membership.

Please read the AWSA Code of Ethics before applying.

A $40.00 application fee. Please, note, your application fee is nonrefundable. If you are accepted into membership, yearly dues are $40.00. Your application fee will pay for your first year of membership.

To pay, click here.

AWSA is a nonprofit organization.

AWSA membership is open to all qualified applicants. However, the AWSA Membership Committee reserves the right to withhold membership based on applicant's qualifications, professionalism, statement of. faith, ethics or other criteria based on the discretion of the committee. To help the AWSA committee process your application, please include your web address.

We hope you qualify to join us.  If not, we hope you strive to meet our qualifications and can join us in the near future.

Linda Evans Shepherd

*Book Qualifier:  A ‘book’ would include many non-fiction and works of fiction including books published in both the Christian and General market. Though we will not accept as a ‘book’ most craft, recipe books, or other 'how-to' books unless they are somehow Christian in nature. We also will not accept as a ‘book’, a book to which you were a contributer, and not the compliler or author

(Before ordering, please meet the minimum requirements, no refunds)

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